How to Join

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No matter what your long-term goals are, the Civil Air Patrol can help you learn and obtain the needed skills to succeed in anything! Many amazing once in a lifetime opportunities await. Want to learn how to take advantage of these opportunities? Find out more at and then see for yourself by visiting one of our weekly meetings.

To Join as a Cadet:

Step 1. Contact the Squadron Commander or Deputy Commander for Cadets

Contact Lieutenant Colonel Cavazos (Squadron Commander) or Senior Member Ruddell (Deputy Commander for Cadets) and confirm the meeting date, time and location. You can also take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about membership eligibility.

Keep in mind that the contact information that is posted is the personal contact information for the CAP member. All of our members are volunteers and try to respond to membership inquiries as soon as possible, so please give them a few days to respond. Feel free to also use the Contact Form if you would like a quicker response this will notify the Squadron Commander, Deputy Commander and Deputy Commander for Seniors.

Step 2. Attend three meetings

The best way to learn more about CAP is to attend a meeting. You’ll have a chance to see how meetings are run, what types of activities are available, and talk with other cadets.

Step 3. Officially join

After attending three meetings as a visitor, you can fill out the online application to officially become a member of CAP. Application can be found here CAP Online Application

To Join as a Senior Member

Step 1. Contact the Deputy Commander for Seniors

Contact Second Lieutenant Ade and confirm the meeting date, time and location. You can also take the opportunity to ask any questions you may have about membership eligibility. Feel free to also use the Contact Form if you would like a quicker response this will notify the Squadron Commander, Deputy Commander and Deputy Commander for Seniors.

Step 2. Attend three meetings
Step 3. Fingerprinting
Step 4. Process Application

Sit down with the Squadron Commander to receive membership packet and begin filling it out to get it processed.