Create unique guides and instructions

Dokit is the easiest way to create and share digital user guides, work instructions and best practices.

An all-in-one platform

Intuitive. Visual. Collaborative. Mobile.
Dokit allows you to manage your digital documentation from A to Z.

Create a step-by-step guide

Create with ease


It only takes a few clicks to create your guides and instructions with our intuitive editing features and predefined templates.

Organize your technical documentation

Organise efficiently


Dokit makes it easy to organise and control content: categorisation, tagging, metadata, and workflow validation.

Share and export manuals

Share everywhere


Your guides and instructions are available on all devices: PCs, smartphones, tablet, and any device that supports PDFs.

Collaborative software to create guides

Collaborate actively


With Dokit's collaborative features, collect feedback from your users, answer their questions and continuously improve your content.

How to create effective guides and instructions?

At Dokit, we help you take advantage of digital innovations to empower your employees and customers to perform any technical task and accelerate the sharing of know-how within your organisation. Discover best practices from our experts for a successful digital transformation.

The Best Format to Create User Guides in 2019

Have you ever looked for an instructions manual for a product? Right now, I bet you’re thinking of that one time you bought that IKEA Billy bookcase, felt confident you could assemble it on your own.

Best practices for writing effective work instructions

Errors and mistakes in the workplace can often be avoided through effective instructions. Here is how you can write better work instructions.

Top 5 software to create impactful step-by-step instructions

Nowadays, there are many ways of spreading documentation around, creating user guides and sharing content. We asked ourselves: are there any actual good ones?

How (and why) to create a digital instruction manual

By distributing your documentation in a digital format, you can increase customer satisfaction, improve productivity, and reduce your internal costs.

How can you speed up knowledge sharing within your company?

In order to speed up knowledge transfer within your company, take advantage of the innovative solutions available on the market by choosing formats adapted to your activity.

10 Golden Rules to help you create a great user manual

User manuals to support, train, and assist your customers are vital in every business sector. We have 10 Golden Rules to help you create an excellent user manual.

Best practices for a successful enterprise wiki

Enterprise wikis are recognised for the place they give to collaboration and sharing within organisations. So, how do you get the most out of your Mediawiki site?

9 reasons to stop writing user manuals with Microsoft Word

Supporting your customers is key to keeping your customers happy, writing product manuals or work instructions is also a crucial piece of this support.