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Suggested Citation:"Abbreviations and Acronyms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Guide for Design Management on Design-Build and Construction Manager/General Contractor Projects. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22273.
Suggested Citation:"Abbreviations and Acronyms." National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2014. Guide for Design Management on Design-Build and Construction Manager/General Contractor Projects. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/22273.
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88 AGC Associated General Contractors AIA-MBA American Institute of Architects Master Buildersâ Association ARTBA American Road and Transportation Builders Association ATC Alternative Technical Concepts BBO Blind Bid Openings BDU Bridge Delivery Unit CDS Changing Delivery Strategy CEI Construction Engineering Inspection CM/GC Construction Manager/General Contractor CM Construction Manager CMAA Construction Management Association of America CMR Construction-Manager-at-Risk CPM Critical Path Method DART Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques D-B Design-Build DBB Design-Bid-Build DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DM Design Manager/Management DMPF Design Management Process Framework DOT Department of Transportation DP Design Professional EDC Every Day Counts EDC-1 Every Day Counts 1 EDC-2 Every Day Counts 2 EOR Engineer of Record FFGA Full Funding Grant Agreement FHWA Federal Highway Administration GC General Contractor GMP Guaranteed Maximum Price ICE Independent Cost Estimate MDE Maryland Department of the Environment MnDOT Minnesota Department of Transportation MVC Mountain View Corridor NCDOT North Carolina Department of Transportation NCHRP National Cooperative Highway Research Program NEPA National Environmental Protection Act NTP Notice to Proceed OBDP Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners Abbreviations and Acronyms
abbreviations and acronyms 89 ODOT Oregon Department of Transportation OHD Office of Highway Development OTIA Oregon Transportation Investment Act PL Project Leader PM Project Manager PS&E Plans Specifications and Estimate QA Quality Assurance QBS Qualifications-Based Selection QC Quality Control QMP Quality Management Plan QO Quality Oversight RFC Ready for Construction RFI Request for Information RFP Request for Proposal RFQ Request for Qualifications ROD Record of Decision ROW Right-of-Way RRR Resurface, Restoration and Rehabilitation; or Repair, Renovation and Restoration SEP-14 Special Experimental Projects Program 14 SHA State Highway Administration SOP Standard Operating Procedures SOQ Statement of Qualifications STA State Transportation Agency STAT Strategic Technical Advisory Team TEA-21 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (Public Law 108-178) UDOT Utah Department of Transportation UTA Utah Transit Authority VE Value Engineering WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
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Guide for Design Management on Design-Build and Construction Manager/General Contractor Projects Get This Book
MyNAP members save 10% online.TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 787: Guide for Design Management on Design-Build and Construction Manager/General Contractor Projects presents guidance for transportation agencies on design management under construction manager/general contractor and design-build project delivery. The guidance includes case studies of projects successfully developed using these alternative procurement strategies.